Before you read her bio, let me tell you about Linda. I can't even remember how long I have been taking oil and cold wax medium (CWM) classes with her, it's been many years. A friend and I traveled to Harrisburg, York, and back to Harrisburg, PA, many times taking a variety of her CWM classes.
We then asked Linda to mentor us and we continued to travel to Harrisburg for instruction. Later we added a couple more girlfriends to the mentoring group.
I cannot tell you how delighted I am that Linda has agreed to teach here at The Arts Center. I think you will like Linda and her teachings as much as I do.
After changing careers and researching my family's history, I discovered that Thomas Hart Benton (an American Regionalist Painter from 1889-1975) was my great uncle. Being a member of local art groups and I teach experimental water media, collage, abstract design, pastel, cold wax & oil, abstract landscapes, and encaustic. I also teach on Patreon.com – the direct link is above. Also am a signature member of the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, Philadelphia Watercolor Society, and Baltimore Watercolor Society, and have earned my nautilus status in the International Society of Experimental Artists.
I have exhibited in numerous national and international juried shows, universities, cultural centers, galleries, and museums. Most of my works are in private collections and universities. I am married and have 5 children and 8 grandchildren and live near Harrisburg, PA.
AWARDS in International, National, and Regional Shows
2013 - York Art Association, York, PA - Rottler Exhibit - Rottler Award - "Afterglow" and "Ringside" (highest award of the year)
2012 - Art Center of Mechanicsburg, PA - Members Show - 1st Place - "The Other Side of Me"
2012 - Art Center of Mechanicsburg, PA - Open Juried Show - 1st Place - "A Place in Time"
2011 - Art Center of Mechanicsburg, PA - Member Show - 1st Place - "Stepping Back"
2010 - Yorkfest Outdoor Art Festival, York, PA - Annual Juried Show - BEST ARTIST OF SHOW (121 Artists)
2010 - PA Watercolor Society Annual Members Show - 4th Place - "Brassy"2010 - ISEA Award - ISEA (Int'l Society of Experimental Artists) International Juried Show - Grand Rapids, Michigan - "A New Place"
2010 - Best Use of Media Award - Art Center of Mechanicsburg - Regional Juried Exhibit - "Imagination"
2009 - Award - Pittsburgh Watercolor Society Annual National Juried Exhibit - "Through the Looking Glass"
2009 - Merchandise Award - ISAP Online Juried Exhibit (International Society of Acrylic Painters - "Revelation"
2009 - 3rd Place - Lancaster County Annual National Juried Show - Encaustic, "Earth Matters"
2009 - 2nd Place - York Art Association Annual Regional Abstract Show - Acrylic, "Revelation"
2008 - Award of Excellence - York Art Association Annual Juried Show - Encaustic, Red Square
2008 - Barrett & Chandler Merchandise Award - Pennsylvania Watercolor Society National Juried Show - Watermedia, Brassy'
2008 - Honorable Mention - Keystone Juried National Works on Paper - Watermedia, The Hen House
2008 - 2nd Place - International Society of Experimental Artists - International Juried Show - Encaustic, The Finish Line
2008 - Rottler Award for Excellence - York Art Assoc.'s highest annual award - Watermedia, Brassy
2008 - Judges Award - Art Center of Mechanicsburg, PA - Mixed Media, Masquerade
2008 - Blue Ribbon - Most Distinguished Artist - YorkFest Art Festival, York, PA
2007 - Honorable Mention - Rottler Exhibit - York Art Assoc, York, PA, Mixed Media, Night Flight
2007 - 2nd Place, York Art Association, York, PA, Encaustic, Going Around in Circles2006 - 1st Place, Annual Juried Show, Kennett Square, PA, Watermedia, Kaleidoscope
2006 - 3rd Place, Annual Juried Show, Kennett Square, PA, Abstracted Landscape Collage, River's Edge
2006 - Cutting Edge Award, ISEA, Watermedia, Tunes
2006 - 2nd Place, Lanc. County Art Assoc., Mixed Media, Indigo Nights
2006 - 2nd Place, Art Assoc. of Harrisburg, Collage, On Display2005 - 2nd Place, Frame Connection Gallery, Mixed Media, Indigo Nights
2005 - Best Mixed Media, Art Center of Mech, Mixed Media, Nature’s Harmony
2005 - 1st Place, Lancaster County AA, Collage, Spring Beauty
2004 - Best of Show, Frame Connection Gallery, Oil, Green Pastures
2004 - 2nd Place, Frame Connection Gallery, Oil, Green Pears
2004 - 3rd Place, Susquehanna Art Society, Oil, Green Pastures
2003 - People’s Choice, Lancaster County AA, Best Artist of Show
2003 - People’s Choice, Hershey Hotel (Arts in the Garden), Oil, Pinkerton Bridge
2003 - 2nd Place, Hershey Hotel, (Arts In the Garden), Oil, Pinkerton Bridge
2003 - 1st Place, Silver & Gold Magazine’s Fine Art Exhibit, Oil, Blue Mist---
2021 - Published in the Harrisburg Magazine - May Issue - 2 full pages 2018 - Published in the "Cold Wax Art Book", author, Rebecca Crowell 2014 - Published in "Incite2 - Color Passions" - The Best of Mixed Media - Full Page 2012 - Published in "International Contemporary Artists" Vol IV - Full Page 2011 - Published in "A Walk Into Abstracts" Vol 3 - 2 pages 2011 - Harrisburg Magazine, November 2011 Issue, Featured Artist - "Artist Discovers Fulfillment in Non-Objective Work" 2009 - The Creative Edge, Book, author Mary Todd Beam, 3 pieces of work published 2009 - Central Pennsylvania Magazine (Central PA Magazine), Cover Page and Featured Article (February Issue) 2008 - 50 Plus, Regional Magazine, Cover and Featured Article2006 - Watercolor Magic magazine, June 2006 Issue, Watermedia, Indigo Nights 2006 - Featured Artist for the Allied Arts Council of Central PA, 2006 Billboards & Brochure 2005 - Featured Artist, Business2Business Regional Periodical, One of 8 Hottest Artists for 2005